This subject uses a scenario-based learning approach to the study of theory and practice in social work and human services. It develops students' theoretical understanding and intervention skills with a focus on working with individuals and families and on the use of self and professional identity in practice. The subject … For more content click the Read More button below.
Critical reflection on use of self within social work relationships and practiceTheories of change to support the conduct of individual client interviews from beginning to endIntegration of therapeutic interventions in response to client needs and circumstancesAssessment of multidimensional aspects of client circumstancesApplication of theoretical frameworks of therapeutic interventions with individuals, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
1. Critical Reflection Paper
2. Skills Lab Worksheets
3. Open Book Online Exam
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to successfully conduct an interview from beginning to end, at the micro-practice level with individuals and families;
be able to identify and apply an appropriate theoretical framework for micro-practice;
be able to demonstrate critical thinking and reflective practice on their own micro-practice and emerging professional identity, by identifying strengths and areas for further development;
be able to critically evaluate professional practice and how they have applied their values and knowledge in micro-practice;
be able to determine and use appropriate and sensitive communication practices, including the assessment of risk factors, as they apply to micro-practice; and
be able to participate in face-to-face learning activities as per accreditation requirements.
Enrolment restrictions
Learning activities