
This subject is designed to enable graduate entry primary teacher education students to be confident and competent teachers of primary school mathematics, pass LANTITE and comply with the NESA course accreditation requirements. To achieve a satisfactory grade in this subject students must complete a minimum of 90 hours of approved … For more content click the Read More button below.


Mathematics content in Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry & Statistics & ProbabilityStudents will have access to CSU Studylink which offers a flexible suite of short enabling subjects (that include topics in Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry & Statistics & Probability) that support students in gaining knowledge, skills and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to successfully apply mathematical knowledge and problem-solving processes across a wide range of topic areas to solve appropriate real-world problems;
be able to communicate mathematical ideas and reasoning clearly and effectively using common mathematical symbolism, notation and conventions, and representations such as graphs and tables;
be able to identify, interpret, evaluate, communicate and represent the mathematical information embedded in a situation;
be able to utilise mathematical information such as graphs, statistics and data, including planning, gathering, organising, applying data to solve problems, and communicating results through the selection of appropriate representations;
be able to complete a range of arithmetic and mathematical operations and transformations involving various shapes and their measurement, basic geometry, systems and units of measurement; and
be able to use problem solving, mathematical reasoning, conceptual understanding and procedural fluency in relation to calculations involving number and in basic algebraic manipulations.

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is available to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), Master of Teaching (Primary) and Bachelor of Educational Studies only.