
This subject provides students with the opportunity to develop and apply foundational concepts of anatomy and physiology to the human body, including the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproductive systems. Students will build on their understanding of the fundamentals of cellular physiology, develop understanding of the physiological changes … For more content click the Read More button below.


This subject will cover the following topics: Topic 1 - Endocrine system;Topic 2 - Blood physiology;Topic 3 - Cardiovascular system;Topic 4 - Lymphatics and immune system;Topic 5 - Respiratory system;Topic 6  - Renal system;Topic 7  - Body fluids;Topic 8 - Digestive system;Topic 9 - Nutrition and metabolism;Topic 10 - Reproductive … For more content click the Read More button below.  

Assessment items

1. Early Assessment - Topic 1
2. Mid Session Timed Test - Topics 2 to 5
3. END of SESSION Timed EXAM - Topics 6 to 13

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
describe the principal structural features and normal functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproductive systems;
apply foundational knowledge of body systems to discipline-specific contexts;
explain how the interaction of these body systems maintains homeostasis;
explain the anatomical and functional relationships between nutrition, metabolism and temperature regulation in the human body; and
discuss the relationship between genes and inheritance.

Assumed knowledge

This subject assumes knowledge of basic chemistry, cells, tissues and the role of the nervous system to regulate body function.

Enrolment restrictions

  • Bachelor of Dental Science;
  • Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science;
  • Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition;
  • Bachelor of Health and Medical Science;
  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science;
  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy;
  • Bachelor of Oral Health;
  • Bachelor of Paramedicine;
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy;
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy;
  • Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine;
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Exercise Studies;
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Health Studies;
  • or at the discretion of the Course Director.

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

A Leganto link will be added and regularly updated via the Subject site to facilitate students application to their discipline and include access to online text book editions as they become available.