This subject introduces students to the concepts and principles of fire investigation which will be enlarged upon in later subjects. It will present the types of investigations to be carried out at fire scenes in order to determine the origin and cause of the fire. Emphasis is placed on fire … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to fire investigation Chemistry of combustion Gathering information Safety at the scene Scene preservation Photography and note-taking Fire patterns Fire origin and cause determination Passenger motor vehicular fires Electrical fires Explosives and explosions The investigation of death by fire Motives and human behaviour Human behaviour in fires Wildfire investigation … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to apply an understanding of fire ignition, combustion principles, fire dynamics and interpretation of fire patterns to conduct an initial investigation;
be able to apply a foundational/introductory understanding of the different types of fire events (structural fires, motor vehicle accidents and fires, electrical fires, explosions and wildfires) and human motivation and behaviour, to inform a fire investigation;
be able to analyse all the evidence to determine the fire origin and develop and test an hypothesis of the cause of the fire in order to prepare a brief and give evidence in a courtroom;
be able to apply investigative techniques such as observation, collection of evidence, and document the scene by note-taking and photography, to inform the production of final reports/statements;
be able to apply fundamental principles of scene and evidence preservation whilst establishing and maintaining a safe working environment; and
be able to recognise the differences between accidental, natural, incendiary/arson and undetermined fire cause classifications, with attention to fraud indicators.