This subject introduces students to the role and function of the police from a social, historical and comparative perspective. Students will consider the various forms of policing practices in Australia and other nations, allowing students to develop a foundational knowledge of policing. The structures, roles and reforms of the police … For more content click the Read More button below.
Introduction to 'Police' and 'Policing'Historical & comparative developments in policingModels of policingEducation, training and professional practiceEthical practice in policingPolicing in a legal contextPolicing Practice 1: Working with communitiesPolice Practice 2: Social correlates & PolicingPolice Practice 3: Working with victimsPolice and suspects: Best practice initiatives
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and reflect on the role of police from a social, historical and comparative perspective;
be able to describe various forms of policing practices in Australia and overseas;
be able to compare and contrast the range of policing roles;
be able to evaluate the key theories used to inform policing practice and concepts for policing in contemporary society;
be able to articulate the various policing models and strategies available; and
be able to evaluate key issues impacting policing such as ethical practice, social diversity, community relations and debates about distinct policing strategies and their social impact.
Assumed knowledge