
This subject aims to introduce students to the professional practice of communication and employment in the sub-disciplines of strategic communication, news and media and design and content creation. It is designed to provide a broad understanding of contemporary communication practice in a national and international context. Students will learn how … For more content click the Read More button below.


Personal valuesInterpersonal communicationProfessionalismCareer developmentBuilding professional brand valueWritten and visual digital literacyReputation managementNetworkingProfessional portfoliosProfessional capabilities: self-awareness, knowledge and attitudes

Assessment items

1. Self assessment of personal values
2. Digital Identity
3. Professional Portfolio

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to produce evidence of developing skills in academic learning and professional practice competencies and attitudes conducive to employment in the communication profession;
be able to identify and describe the key competencies required of communication professionals;
be able to describe and explain current social, economic, political and technological issues shaping communication practice;
be able to analyse, create and reflect on the components parts of a digital identity; and
be able to plan and design an e-portfolio and digital identity as an emerging practitioner.