
This is a specialised subject, covering the physiology and biochemistry of yeast and bacterial growth during wine fermentation and conservation. Aspects of microbial control from grape harvest to bottling of wine will also be considered. This subject commences in session 1 and concludes in session 2 in the calendar year … For more content click the Read More button below.


Ecological aspects of the alcoholic fermentation : species of yeasts active during wine fermentations; factors affecting their growth and metabolism;Biochemistry of flavour and aroma production by yeasts during the alcoholic fermentation;Bacterial ecology of the malolactic fermentation : interplay of bacterial species during the malolactic fermentation; impact of wine environment on … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically evaluate the impact of altered wine chemical composition and storage conditions on the ecology and physiology of microorganisms
be able to critcally reflect and adjust grape chemical compositional measures to impact microbial growth during alcoholic and malolactic fermentation
be able to critically evaluate wine storage options for control of spoilage microorganisms during winemaking and wine conservation;
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic techniques used in the study of wine microorganisms.
be able to critically evaluate the impact of specific wine production techniques on the physiology and biochemistry of the alcoholic fermentation by wine yeasts
be able to apply specific wine production techniques that impact microbial physiology and biochemistry that produce or retain positive wine sensory and chemical composition

Learning activities

Residential School

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

This subject has a residential school. The cost of travel and accommodation associated with attendance at the residential school must be covered by the student. All students are required to have a lab coat, safety glasses and covered footwear for lab based practicals.