This subject provides an introduction to the principal chemical concepts and analyses that influence wine production, including interactions with microbiology. Students will analyse the key principles behind wine fermentation, composition and stability. Students will develop skills in the general chemical analysis of wine, with an emphasis on safety, fundamental operations … For more content click the Read More button below.
The science of winemakingFermentation and microorganismsControl of microorganisms in winemakingChemistry in winemakingWinemaking control aspectsUnits of measurement, winemaking calculations and significant figuresWine acids and aciditySulphur dioxideSubstances that complement the activity of sulfur dioxidePhenolic compoundsOxidationCork and cork taint
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Be able to accurately explain the scientific principles involved with winemaking
Be able to analyse winemaking problems and identify actions that will improve them
Be able to safely perform and report on quality control analysis procedures and apply the results
Be able to understand the fundamentals of wine microbiology and winery sanitation
Learning activities
Residential School
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
This subject has a residential school. Students will need to cover the cost of travel to campus and accommodation on campus. All students are required to have a lab coat, safety glasses and covered footwear for lab based practicals.