
This subject provides in-depth study at an advanced level of topics related to the discipline area selected by a student for a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Master coursework program. As such for some courses it is used as a capstone subject (i.e. a subject that integrates your prior learning … For more content click the Read More button below.


This will be selected to meet the needs of an individual student. Topics must be approved by the School Honours Co-ordinator.demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills: with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or for further learning

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
have demonstrated they have a body of knowledge that includes an in-depth understanding of a discipline and/or area of professional practice
be able to reflect critically on an in-depth and comprehensive body of knowledge of (or specialised technical skills in) a nominated topic area relevant to their degree
have communication and technical research skills to justify and interpret theoretical propositions, methodologies, conclusions and professional decisions to specialist and non-specialist audiences
have demonstrated the application of knowledge and skills to plan and execute a substantial researchbased project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship
have demonstrated the application of knowledge and skills with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or for further learning