This subject gives students the opportunity to understand the role and function of pasture and rangeland production systems relevant to agriculture and the equine industry in southern Australia. In addition, it will introduce students to key concepts in plant ecology as related to pasture systems. This subject is presented in … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
Pastures and farming systems;Distribution of pasture species and types;Ecology of pasture species;Competition and success in mixed communities;Pasture establishment;Nutritive value of pasture species;Stocking rate and grazing management;Fodder conservation and supplementation;Pasture maintenance;Decision support systems and pasture management;Rangeland management; andPractical exercises on the recognition of pasture … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
understand the role of pastures in current farming systems in southern Australia, including horse properties from biological, economic and social perspectives;
explain the role of climatic, edaphic and management factors that influence the distribution of pasture species;
explain critical events in the lifecycles of key annual and perennial pasture and rangeland species;
explain basic concepts in plant ecology as related to pasture and rangeland management such as inter and intraspecific competition, plant populations dynamics and the role of stress and disturbance;
for specific environments, recommend pasture species mixtures and appropriate establishment methodologies;
understand basic concepts relating to the nutritive value of pastures for grazing livestock;
understand the effects of stocking rate and grazing management systems on species survival and pasture/animal production;
explain the principles that underpin supplementary forage production and the response of grazing animals to supplementation with conserved fodder, forage crops and grain;
monitor and evaluate pasture/livestock systems with respect to productivity, profitability and sustainability;
develop pasture maintenance strategies with respect to soil fertility, weed management, control of pasture pests and supplementary irrigation;
describe the dominant features of rangeland resources and define critical factors in their management;
identify major pasture and rangeland species;
develop skills in the estimation of pasture biomass and botanical composition; and
demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a topical issue in pasture and/or rangeland management.
Enrolment restrictions
Cannot be taken by students who have completed PSC240 or PSC460.
PSC460 was replaced by PSC360.
Learning activities
Intensive School
Learning resources
Additional resources required by students
Students attending compulsory intensives schools on Charles Sturt campuses will incur costs associated with travel, accommodation and required resources.