This subject will provide students with the background knowledge, problem solving and practical skills to holistically assess children with movement disorders that arise from changes in the neurological and musculoskeletal systems and to develop culturally sensitive, collaborative management plans for these children. Students will use a strengths-based culturally responsive approach, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Concepts of culturally sensitive family and client-focused practice;Culturally respectful and responsive communication;Communication strategies for use with children of different ages, families and their carers;Theoretical frameworks of physiotherapy in paediatric physiotherapy practice;Identification and application of principles of child development to the interpretation and management of movement dysfunction in childhood;Physiotherapy assessment and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to plan and apply a range of physiotherapy assessment and evaluation techniques using tests, tools and outcome measures relevant to paediatric physiotherapy;
be able to demonstrate and articulate sound clinical reasoning processes which explore, explain and analyse assessment findings, anticipate future impacts of growth, and justify interventions;
be able to create targeted and collaborative goals in the planning of safe (including culturally responsive) and effective physiotherapy intervention for paediatric physiotherapy;
be able to identify when and why interprofessional practice is indicated, and recognise when physiotherapy intervention is no longer required;
be able to apply knowledge of the dominant cultural approaches and discuss the implications of individual and cultural diversity on delivering culturally safe services for children; and
be able to identify cultural and age differences in verbal and non-verbal communication, and negotiate shared understandings with respect to these differences.
Enrolment restrictions
Restricted to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy and the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours).