
This subject provides an introduction to calculus and linear algebra, with an emphasis on understanding and applications addressed in geometry, physics, economics and environmental modelling. A symbolic algebra package, Maple, is used to assist with computation. Every topic will be presented geometrically, numerically and algebraically. Formal definitions will be based … For more content click the Read More button below.


Functions and graphs; Limits and continuity; The derivative; Derivative rules; Applications of the derivative; The definite integral; Integration rules; Numerical methods of integration; Applications of the integration; Solving systems of linear equations; Matrices, determinants and eigenvalues.

Assumed knowledge

Assumed knowledge for this subject is the equivalent of MTH105 or MTH400 or HSC Mathematics Advanced.

HSC Mathematics Advanced includes the following topics:Working with FunctionsTrigonometry and Measure of AnglesTrigonometric Functions and IdentitiesIntroduction to DifferentiationLogarithms and ExponentialsGraphing TechniquesTrigonometric Functions and GraphsDifferential CalculusIntegral Calculus

Enrolment restrictions

Available to postgraduate students only.