This subject explores the laws governing wills, inheritance and contested estates, including claims for family provision under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW). The subject seeks to introduce students to the relevant statutory principles and case law to enable them to anticipate and mitigate succession problems related to the professional drafting … For more content click the Read More button below.
Definition and Nature of a WillTestamentary Capacity, Fraud and Undue InfluenceFormal requirements and Revocation of WillsRepublication and Revival of WillsGrants of Representation and Executor de son TortDuties and Powers of the Legal Personal RepresentativeGifts by Will and Protected Assets Administration of AssetsDistribution of the EstateSuccession law and vulnerable groups
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and analyse the objectives of succession law;
be able to apply legislation, case law and administrative provisions as they relate to the underlying principles of succession law and practice;
be able to provide professional, relevant and up to date testamentary advice to clients;
be able to evaluate the evolution of succession law over time as it adapts to social change; and
be able to use legal research techniques, reasoning and argument to assess contemporary developments in succession law.
Assumed knowledge