
This subject introduces students to the practical and theoretical knowledge required for aspects of evidence and procedure within the criminal justice system in New South Wales. It explores the major evidential and procedural issues involved in underpinning the prosecution of criminal matters, including the rules governing the admissibility of evidence. … For more content click the Read More button below.


Proof, presumptions and inferencesCompetence and compellability of witnessesOaths and affirmationsRelevanceThe course of the criminal trialAdducing evidence in court, including cross-examination and re-examination of witnesses, and real and documentary examinationThe accused as a witness, and their right of silenceAdmissibility of evidencePrivilegeCredibility evidenceHearsay and the common law and statutory exceptions'Res gestae'Opinion evidenceTendency … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to evaluate the historical, social, political, and ethical factors that impact upon the contemporary adversarial system
be able to evaluate and discuss the interaction of evidence law and substantive criminal law
be able to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the major principles of evidence as they apply in the state of New South Wales
be able to apply rules of evidence, and standards of admissibility, in order to resolve problem-based scenarios
be able to demonstrate critical awareness of the problems associated with the imposition of the rules of admissibility of evidence
be able to analyse and synthesise relevant factual, legal and policy issues relating to evidence
be able to evaluate critically the function of judicial discretion within the context of the NSW adversarial system
be able to demonstrate an understanding of the impact of public policy reform and developments in international law on evidentiary law within NSW

Enrolment restrictions

Bachelor of Laws and the Bachelor of Laws/Criminal Justice students only.

Learning activities
