
Gender and Crime examines a range of contemporary issues relating to sex and gender in the criminal justice system. Students will engage with current theories of feminism, postmodernity, critical criminology, intersectionality, power and queer theory. Relationships between gender, law, sexuality, policing, policy, politics, crime and media will be explored. These … For more content click the Read More button below.


Masculinity and CrimeGender, Crime and OffendingGender and VictimisationWomen and PunishmentQueer CriminologyTrans People, Crime and the LawGender, the Body and CrimeSex Work, Sex Trafficking, and Migration

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe and analyse relationships between gender, law, sexuality, policing, policy, politics, crime and media;
be able to explain key theories relating to gender and sexuality in the criminal justice context;
be able to apply key theories of feminism, postmodernity, critical criminology, intersectionality, power and queer theory to policy and practice in a criminal justice context;
be able to describe the gendered application of the law and criminal justice; and
be able to apply an interdisciplinary approach to their understanding of gender sexuality, and crime.

Assumed knowledge

Student should have completed at least one JST level 1 subject.