In this subject, students will continue reading the 'Stories of the Prophets' textbook whereby they further build on the knowledge of vocabulary, syntax and morphology. The higher verb forms will be introduced for the first time. Students will also acquire the knowledge of how most nouns and verbs are derived … For more content click the Read More button below.
Overview of sarfHigher verb formsNoun derivationsPassive verbsProhibitionNegationConjugating higher verb formsReading stories of the Prophets
Assessment items
1. Participation and Engagement in online tutorials
2. Weekly Quizzes
3. Worksheets
4. Final Exam (Online)
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to conjugate higher verb forms in the appropriate tense, gender, number and person;
be able to formally analyse sentences incorporating the new rules of syntax and morphology;
be able to demonstrate basic to intermediate-level comprehension of non-technical prose; and
be able to demonstrate understanding of the system of word derivation.
Enrolment restrictions