This subject focuses on vegetable crop biology and the principles and practices of successful commercial vegetable production including crop requirements, growth patterns and production techniques. It will explore the technology and science behind the pre-harvest and post-harvest management of fresh and processed vegetables. Benchmarking and the implementation of codes of … For more content click the Read More button below.
This subject will cover the following topics:
1. Introduction to vegetable crops;2. Markets and types of growing;3. The vegetable industry;4. Vegetable crop biology;5. Improving vegetables;6. Vegetable crop establishment;7. Managing vegetable crops;8. Harvest & post-harvest;9. Processing and fresh-cut vegetables; and10. Quality systems.
Assessment items
1. Crop selection & planning
2. Research project
3. Postharvest program
4. Exam
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
describe the range and diversity of vegetable crops and select a variety of crops appropriate for a specific situation;
determine the various marketing options for vegetable crops and select appropriate options for a range of vegetable crops;
explain the various techniques for improving vegetables through breeding;
define and evaluate alternative techniques to establish vegetable crops;
demonstrate how to interpret and manage the vegetative and reproductive phases of the vegetable growth cycle within a particular environment;
reflect on management practices and apply recently acquired knowledge to design improvements;
apply knowledge and principles to plan for the harvesting, and post-harvest treatment of different vegetables; and
research and critically review appropriate literature on a topic, then design, conduct and communicate the findings of an investigative project.
Assumed knowledge
It is expected that students have basic knowledge of plant biology, as well as basic computer, data and spreadsheet skills.
Learning activities
HRT206 Intensive school