Employees' performance and commitment are recognised as critical drivers of organisational success, and the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) in aligning people management strategies with the strategic objectives of the organisation is important in today's dynamic operating environment. This subject will provide students with foundational knowledge of HRM and … For more content click the Read More button below.
HRM and its theoretical baseHuman Resource Planning (HRP)Job analysis and design and Quality of work lifeRecruitment, selection and Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)Appraising and managing performanceHuman Resource Development (HRD)Career planning and developmentRewarding human resourcesWorkplace Health and Safety (WHS)International Human Resource Management (IHRM)Human Resource Information Management Systems (HRIMS)Assessing human resource management effectiveness
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to critically discuss the evolution of HRM and its theoretical base;
be able to critically examine the role of HRM in contributing to the realisation of business goals and satisfying employee needs;
be able to explain the major functions, techniques, procedures and systems in HRM;
be able to articulate how the broad HRM function is a joint effort of all managers in the organisation;
be able to identify the ethical implications of HRM and critically discuss how these can be managed;
be able to identify and critically examine the challenges facing HRM; and
be able to provide recommendations for enhancing HRM practices.
Enrolment restrictions
Available to undergraduate students only.