
Collaborative decision-making resides at the core of effective inclusion models. In this subject participants learn effective practice in the processes of interpersonal, cross-disciplinary, and organisational collaboration and consultation. Practical application of skills in inclusive settings is required. It is assumed that teachers are required to collaborate with a variety of … For more content click the Read More button below.


Readiness for CollaborationPersonal Collaboration SkillsMeeting AnalysisCapacity Building with CollaborationPeer FeedbackCollaborative Team ProcessEmbedded Design of Collaboration

Assessment items

1. Assignment 1 Components A B & C
2. Assignment 2 Component A & B

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to develop an understanding of the requirements of a collaborative culture and apply that understanding in the development of a readiness for collaboration scale;
be able to articulate features of attitudes, skills and dispositions for collaboration and apply them to the design of an assessment tool;
be able to analyse an authentic scenario in terms of the features of the collaborative problem solving model and process, the quality of the evidence-based solution in particular, readiness, attitudes, skills and dispositions;
be able to deploy their knowledge and understanding in a targeted professional capacity-building session in collaborative meeting process or personal collaboration skills;
be able to employ learning from the modules to provide feedback on a peer's organisational design;
be able to develop a rating scale for assessing collaborative team process and apply the scale to a video- based case of a team meeting. Students will use the experience to reflect upon and evaluate the items on their scale; and,
be able to apply the embedded design principle to position collaboration as a scalable feature of a whole school design.