This subject builds students' capacity with curriculum-based, authentic assessment and the use of standardised assessment. With a focus on literacy and numeracy, these approaches can be employed to differentiate the learning for all students. The subject addresses assessment at both school/setting and classroom levels and how assessment and evaluation information … For more content click the Read More button below.
Purposes of AssessmentClassroom EcologyCurriculum-Based MeasurementSelf-Evaluation of Testing KnowledgeUtility and Limitations of Standardised TestingContemporary StandardsApplying Assessment KnowledgePosition on Standardised TestingClassroom/School Assessment Plan
Assessment items
1. Assignment 1 Components A-D
2. Assignment 2 Components A B & C
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to identify and describe the different purposes of assessment types and their utility in instructional decision making. Demonstrate their roles in a preliminary annual assessment plan;
be able to evaluate the role of classroom ecology in the assessment process and build a device for measuring classroom ecology;
be able to identify the distinct features of curriculum based assessments and curriculum based measurement and use that information to design a CBM or research and apply an existing curriculum-based measure. The tool should be specific to a specific curriculum area/aspect of difficulty and include all of the details required for classroom use including guidance for scoring, space for student demographic information and level;
be able to self-evaluate their current knowledge of standardised testing and measurement principles and apply that evaluation using a knowledge audit tool to build technical knowledge of test development and use;
be able to evaluate the utility and limitations of standardised testing;
be able to understand and evaluate contemporary standards for the design and use of standardised tests with students who have disabilities or cultural differences;
be able to apply knowledge of standardised testing to make a recommendation about a test for use with students in an inclusive school setting;
be able to develop a scholarly position on the use of standardised testing in schools and settings; and,
be able to build an assessment schedule/matrix for a classroom/school for the purpose of making a valid and reliable determination of student growth and then build a rationale for the schedule/matrix as described. The experience draws together learning about curriculum-based and standardised tests and outcome measurement in schools/settings.
Enrolment restrictions