
This subject is designed to develop an understanding of the nature of educational change and to enhance the students' capabilities for planning, leading and managing the process of change. Change is a constant in a healthy and dynamic educational enterprise. This subject will help students to be able to assess … For more content click the Read More button below.


- Key drivers of educational change at the individual, group, organisational and system levels. - Analysis of educational changes in terms of new learning. - Educational change described by a range of theorists and positions. - Case studies describing changes in a range of local and international educational settings using … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. Introduction and situation description
2. Why is change so complex?
3. Conceptualising, planning and leading change

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to clearly identify key drivers of educational change;
be able to develop an understanding of the nature of educational change in terms of what needs to be known, what new skills need to be acquired and what beliefs and attitudes are involved;
be able to develop both an appreciation and understanding of the process of change from a variety of theoretical perspectives;
be able to observe, discuss, and delineate the significant dimensions of a desired change including the extent to which underpinning knowledge is contested, who is required to change and in what ways, costs and benefits of the change and the sources of support/opposition;
be familiar with the literature concerning the issues associated with the leadership and management of change;
have compared and contrasted major local and international change initiatives;
be aware of the competencies needed by those who seek to lead and manage educational change;
have the capacity to make suitable plans for an educational change that is seen as significant; and
have developed an understanding of the issues impacting the creation of a sustainable change culture.