
This subject provides an introduction to environmental assessment and environmental auditing. This includes Local, State and Federal environmental planning, environmental protection and pollution laws, as well as methodologies associated with impact prediction, environmental assessment, and environmental auditing. On completion of this subject, students are able to step through the process … For more content click the Read More button below.


The history and development of environmental assessmentIntroduction to environmental law Preparing environmental assessments under different legislationDetermining impacts for the environmental assessmentIntroduction to environmental auditingDeveloping environmental audits

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to outline processes associated with environmental assessment and environmental auditing;
be able to articulate the current legislative systems that underpin environmental planning processes, environmental assessment, reporting and auditing in Australia;
be able to apply the processes professionals use to evaluate proposed developments in the context state and federal planning and conservation laws and identify and apply other relevant legalisation;
be able to develop professional and appropriate documentation to document project impacts and support consent authorities deliberations on the proposal; and
be able to make a professional judgement on how to develop and prepare for an environmental audit.