In this subject students critically explore the challenges involved in leadership with digital technology in educational settings. Such an exploration leads to the development of a personal position on digital technology in education drawing on relevant pedagogical and leadership theories and on historical and contemporary examples. Students also explore models … For more content click the Read More button below.
The current context of educational institutions and rationales for digital technology integrationThe history of digital technology integrationDigital technology integration and pedagogical changeModels of teacher knowledge incorporating digital technology pedagogyModels of teacher knowledge incorporating digital technology pedagogyEducational digital technology leadership and models of digital technology decision makingCurriculum development for digital technology … For more content click the Read More button below.
Assessment items
2. Digital technology integration policy analysis
3. Digital technology integration plan analysis
4. Blog post evidence and professional reflection
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to describe and critically compare various rationales for digital technology integration, including notions of generational change such as the concept of digital natives, professed workforce imperatives, or a focus on the learning affordances of technologies;
be able to develop a personal position on the role of digital technology in educational settings based upon an analysis of the contemporary literature and current state of practice;
be able to draw on evidence from the literature to explain why many system-wide and school-based digital technology integration initiatives have been relatively unsuccessful;
be able to critically explore the current status of digital technology integration within a specific educational setting;
be able to develop digital technology professional development plans within an educational setting building on models of teacher digital technology pedagogical knowledge and professional development theory, along with an appreciation of the practical challenges in facilitating change across an institution, and the potential of digital technology learning networks;
be able to identify the key challenges in digital technology leadership in an educational setting and describe the ways in which leadership theory and practice can inform on this problem;
be able to identify elements of best practice in digital technology integration within a particular curriculum area or across the curriculum and articulate the elements of a change process towards adoption of such best practice; and
be able to develop a digital technology resource management plan incorporating digital technology procurement, installation, maintenance and support.