
This subject aims to give students an in-depth understanding of the practical and theoretical aspects of the reading processes relevant to a socially just, diverse and globally connected world. Students will examine theories of reading and contemporary issues in reading education. Based on their learning and experience, students identify and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Major socio-cultural literacy/reading theories and practices Contemporary issues in reading education Ways in which dominant discourses in reading education may marginalize students and their families Skills and strategies required to read a wide range of contemporary texts Research approaches- case study, action research and literature review - connected to a … For more content click the Read More button below. Assessing and profiling a reader - locating ways to assess the learner Critical reflection contribution to e-Portfolio

Assessment items

1. Reading Theory and Practice
2. Exploring current issues in reading pedagogy

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
Broaden students understanding of the social justice implications for educators in ensuring students' diverse socio-cultural capital is viewed as a strength for enhancing literacy learning
Challenge students' current literacy pedagogy towards developing a more critical, contemporary approach to reading education
Understand that readers actively construct meaning through dynamic transactions between the reader's prior knowledge, the information suggested by the text and the context of the reading situation
Understand and value that reading involves engaging with a wide range of texts including traditional linear text, visual text, digital text and in a multimodal world
Understand that these texts place different kinds of demands on the skills and strategies of the reader
Identify and use a range of ways of identifying, assessing and meeting the diverse literacy needs of students, especially English language learners
Explore a range of contemporary reading issues; research in-depth one issue by using either action research or developing a review of literature in the field
Be further sensitised to their role not only as teachers and learners but as co-researchers with their students and as agents of change in their own educational settings
Develop a profile (case study) of a student's reading and make relevant recommendations for further learning
Critically reflect on their learning and their learning processes and the implications for the profession.

Enrolment restrictions

Available to students in the Master of Education.