
This compulsory subject is designed to introduce students to Masters level study in education and the concepts, skills and capacities necessary to ensure success in future learning at this level. Students in this subject will examine core concepts about being a contemporary education professional across a range of contexts in … For more content click the Read More button below.


Introduction to key technologies and processes to facilitate learning in the subject including Interact 2, PebblePad and personal professional goal settingContexts of contemporary educationKey concepts and issues in contemporary education, including notions of education as a profession, politics, ideology and curriculum, reflective practice, globalisation, diversity and new technologiesCritical assessment of … For more content click the Read More button below.

Assessment items

1. E-Portfolio
2. Issues in Education in the 21st century

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to analyse developments in education with reference to research and evidence from a range of contexts;
be able to evaluate information, concepts and theories that justify professional practice; and
be able to formulate personal professional learning goals through a reflection on personal capabilities, research, professional standards and feedback.
be able to demonstrate critical reflection in the preparation and maintenance of an e-Portfolio as a learning and assessment tool.

Enrolment restrictions

Only available to students in the Master of Education (generic and with specialisations).