
This subject explores the key learning theories which underpin teaching and learning within adult and vocational education and training practice. The emphasis is on understanding that learning theories help teachers reflect on their practice and incorporate relevant aspects of the theories into their teaching and the teaching approaches utilised in … For more content click the Read More button below.


The subject will cover the following topics: Module 1: What is Learning? 1.1 What is Learning?1.1.1 What is a Theory?1.2 Understanding Learning Module 2: Major Theories of Learning 2.1 Learning Theories2.1.1 How does the study of Learning Theories help us?2.2 Andragogy and Adult Learners2.2.1 Knowles, Principles of Adult Learning2.3 Major … For more content click the Read More button below. Module 3: Theory Informed Teaching 3.1 Performative Learning3.1.1 Teacher-Centred Models3.1.2 Learner-Centred Models3.1.3 Vocational Learning3.2 Situated Learning3.3 Problem-Based Learning3.4 Work-based Learning3.5 Approaches to Learning and Teaching3.5.1 Meeting Student Learning Needs3.5.2 Learning Needs3.5.3 Motivation3.5.4 Preferred Learning Styles

Assessment items

1. Applying adult learning theories to AVET
2. Theory Informed teaching and learning approaches

Enrolment restrictions

This subject is only available to students enrolled in the:

Graduate Certificate in Adult and Vocational Education

Graduate Diploma of Adult and Vocational Education

Master of Adult and Vocational Education

Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Learning resources

Additional resources required by students

Prescribed text is Merriam, S. and Bierema, L. (2014), Adult learning: Linking theory and practice, Jossey Bass.