
This subject introduces students to haematology and examines the structural and functional attributes of cellular and non-cellular constituents of blood in health and disease states. Morphological and functional characteristics of the blood cells at different stages of production, differentiation and maturation are considered in detail. Also, the haemostatic system, which … For more content click the Read More button below.


Haemopoietic tissues and the production of blood cellsMorphology and function of blood cells Destruction of blood cells Haemoglobin synthesis, structure, function and destructionAnaemias and polycythaemias Benign leucocyte disordersIntroduction to malignant leucocyte disorders including but not limited to leukaemias, multiple myeloma and lymphomasPlatelets, their functions and disordersThe coagulation system and its … For more content click the Read More button below.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to classify and explain the morphological and functional attributes of blood cells
be able to name and classify the components of the haemostatic system and explain their functions
be able to illustrate and describe the development of blood cells, and comment on structure and functions of the blood- producing tissues/organs
be able to classify and describe the disorders of blood cells
be able to classify and describe the disorders of the haemostatic system
be able to explain principles behind routine haematological tests
be able to interpret the results of haematological tests
be able to demonstrate basic skills necessary to conduct routine haematological techniques
be able to demonstrate high levels of academic communication and team working skills

Learning activities

Residential School