This subject is structured in three modules each of three Units. In Module 1, Units 1 to 3 provide the context and introduction to water quantity and quality including trends in water supply, climate change and risks to water resources in Australia. In Module 2, Units 4 to 6 explore … For more content click the Read More button below.
Module 1
Unit 1 An introduction and overview of trends in water policy and management including: - pressures (population and changing demography, climate change; land use change; rainfall-runoff relationships) - status of water (storage, surface and groundwater reserves, new sources of water) - social, economic and environmental aspects; consumptive use(urban, … For more content click the Read More button below.
Unit 4- river, wetland, floodplain and estuarine condition - environmental flow - selection of condition indicators - monitoring responsibilities - institutional arrangements and responsibilities Unit 5- international food security and export of virtual water - meaning and assessment of sustainable production in Australia - responsibilities, planning, incentives, regulation, green labelling - irrigation water use efficiency; - property rights and trading
Unit 6- water for urban use: towns and cities, industry, power, mining - improved efficiency and water-saving strategies - new water sources: desalination, rural-urban transfer - reuse and recycling - rural effluent management.
Module 3
Unit 7- roles and responsibilities - Council of Australian Governments Water Reform Framework - water for the environment - water audit and cap - costing and pricing, property rights and trading Unit 8- The National Plan for Water Security - Labors election plan - new arrangements for the Murray Darling Basin - re-emphasis on urban water - dealing with water scarcity and climate change Unit 9- planning frameworks and processes for adaptive management - principles of catchment care - tools to support decision making at catchment level: economic, social and environmental considerations; choice modelling, multicriteria analysis, modelling - best practice case studies.
Enrolment restrictions
Enrolment is restricted to students in Emergency Management courses.