
This subject adopts a risk-based approach to auditing and assurance services, exploring the practice and theory of auditing as it applies to Australia within a global environment. Emphasis is placed on the application of auditing concepts to financial statement audits.


the role of auditing and ethical decision making;overview of assurance concepts and the audit process;audit planning;audit evidence;audit sampling;internal control;substantive procedures - tests of transactions and balances;reporting obligations.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to explain the role of assurance services and providers;
be able to identify and evaluate the influences on the audit processes, including the Corporations Act, Common Law, Australian and International professional standards, professional bodies and public expectations within a global market;
be able to appraise the client's business environment and apply the risk model;
be able to explain, select and apply procedures involved in the audit process; and
be able to appraise the expanding scope of auditing in the current international business environment.

Assumed knowledge


Enrolment restrictions

Students who have successfully completed RMBU3644 (equivalent Sydney University Orange Campus subject) are eligible to enroll as they have met the pre requisite requirements. ACC381 is an incompatible subject.