This subject delves more deeply into the sources of international financial reporting regulation and the conceptual framework, both crucial to informing the global debate regarding financial reporting standard formulation and application. The subject develops student ability to research, interpret and apply accounting standards to a range of specific real world … For more content click the Read More button below.
Accounting standardsFinancial statement presentation and disclosureAccounting for equity, assets and liabilitiesAlternate measures of valuationSustainability reporting
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
be able to prepare financial statements for reporting entities in accordance with relevant professional and statutory reporting requirements;
be able to discuss critically and comprehensively the statutory and professional requirements upon which published financial statements are based;
be able to interpret and apply generally accepted accounting principles and specific financial reporting standards relating to concepts of recognition, measurement, disclosure, revaluation and impairment of key financial statement elements; and
be able to interpret and communicate clearly and concisely, in a range of formal and informal situations and settings, the relevant principles and accounting standards to a diverse audience.
Assumed knowledge
Enrolment restrictions
Not available to students who have completed ACC222