The Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (Honours) is a one year Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited course. The course aims are based on the Standards provided by APAC (2019). In general, the course aims to provide “basic knowledge and skills in the professional practice of psychology and the independent conduct and evaluation of scientific research.” (p.12) for students who have previously completed an accredited three year psychology degree.
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council. (2019). Accreditation Standards for Psychology Programs: Effective 1 January 2019. Version 1.2.
Admission and Credit
Entry Requirement
Essential set64 Credit Points
Core32 Credit Points
Core32 Credit Points
Enrolment pattern
Part time
Year 1Session 1PSY404 Psychological AssessmentPSY421 Psychological Interventions
Session 2PSY429 Contemporary Topics in PsychologyPSY474 Counselling Skills
Year 2Session 1PSY470 Psychology Honours Dissertation 1 (16)
Session 2PSY471 Psychology Honours Dissertation 2 (16)
Full time enrolment is subject to approval by the Course Director.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
investigate substantive individual research questions in psychology using an evidence-based approach
demonstrate, interpersonal communication and interview skills, within a range of socially and culturally diverse clients
demonstrate basic assessment strategies in situations appropriate to psychological practice and knowledge of psychometric theory and principles of the construction, cultural considerations, implementation and interpretation of some of the more widely used standardised psychological test instruments
demonstrate knowledge of relevant ethical and professional codes of conduct in psychology
explain how psychological intervention strategies can be applied in a range of cultural and social contexts
understand and critically evaluate cross-cultural and be Indigenous issues in relation to practice and research in psychology, within a range of socially and culturally diverse peoples, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Related courses
Professional accreditation
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC)
Notes :https://study.csu.edu.au/courses/professional-accreditation