Available in courses
3423VE01 - Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education
Compulsory Subjects40 Credit Points
WITH VET02C8 Credit Points
Restricted Electives
Enrolment pattern
Commencing WITH VET02C creditSESSION 1 IntakeYear 1Session 1EEL320EML102Session 2EEB312 or EPT320EMV302Year 2Session 1EEE404IKC101Session 2EEB220[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Year 3Session 1EEB438[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Session 2EEB437EEB424Session 3EEB429Year 4Session 1EEL445
SESSION 2 IntakeYear 1Session 2EML102EEL320Year 2Session 1EEE404EMV302Session 2EEB312 or … For more content click the Read More button below.
SESSION 3 IntakeYear 1Session 3EEL320EML102Year 2Session 1EEE404IKC101Session 2EEB312 or EPT320EMV302Year 3Session 1EEL445EEB438Session 2EEB437EEB424Session 3EEB429Year 4Session 1EEB220[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Session 2[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320
Full-timeCommencing WITH VET02C creditSESSION 1 IntakeYear 1Session 1EEL320EML102EEE404EEL445Session 2EEB312 or EPT320EMV302IKC101EEB437Session 3EEB429Year 2Session 1EEB220EEB438[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Session 2EEB424[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320
SESSION 2 IntakeYear 1Session 2EEB312 or EPT320EML102EEL320IKC101Year 2Session 1EEE404EMV302EEL445EEB438Session 2EEB437EEB424[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Session 3EEB429Year 3Session 1EEB220[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320
SESSION 3 IntakeYear 1Session 3EEL320EML102IKC101Year 2Session 1EEE404EEB438EEL445EEB220Session 2EEB312 or EPT320EEB437EEB424[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320Session 3EEB429Year 3Session 1EMV302[]EEB312 or EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409 or EPT320
Commencing WITHOUT VET02C creditSESSION 1 IntakeYear 1Session 1EML102EEL320Session 2EMV302IKC101Year 2Session 1EEB220EEE404Session 2EEB312EPT320Year 3Session 1EEL445EEB438Session 2EEB437EEB424Session 3EEB429Year 4Session 1[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409
SESSION 2 IntakeYear 1Session 2EML102EEL320Year 2Session 1EEB220EMV302Session 2EPT320IKC101Year 3Session 1EEB312EEE404Session 2EEL445EEB437Year 4Session 1EEB438[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2EEB424[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 3EEB429Year 5Session 1[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409
SESSION 3 IntakeYear 1Session 3EEL320EML102Year 2Session 1EEB220IKC101Session 2EMV302EPT320Year 3Session 1EEB312EEE404Session 2EEL445EEB437Year 4Session 1EEB438[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2EEB424[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 3EEB429Year 5Session 1[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409
Commencing WITHOUT VET02C creditSESSION 1 IntakeYear 1Session 1EEB220EEE404EEL320EML102Session 2EEB312EMV302IKC101EPT320Year 2Session 1EEL445EEB438[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2EEB437EEB424[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 3EEB429
SESSION 2 IntakeYear 1Session 2EML102EEL320EPT320IKC101Year 2Session 1EEB312EMV302EEB220EEE404Session 2EEL445EEB437EEB424[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Year 3Session 1EEB438[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 3EEB429
SESSION 3 IntakeYear 1Session 3EML102EEB312IKC101Year 2Session 1EEB220EEE404EEL320Session 2EMV302EPT320[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Year 3Session 1EEL445EEB438[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 2EEB437EEB424[]EEB442 or EEL407 or EEP423 or EMT409Session 3EEB429